Release Notes Summer 2023: Cloud Based Production Documents
Move your entire document workflow into the cloud and connect your team in real time with call sheets, shot lists, shoot schedules and more.
Fully Customizable
Create any production document imaginable using our simple, modern document builder. No more spreadsheets or word processing templates.

Customize the documents with your logo and project branding to elevate your professionalism.

Advanced Tables
Add tables into documents to structure your data, and then use advanced column types like checkboxes and statuses to update it in real time.

Want to filter your document to see how many shots are left in the day? Use table filtering to quickly visualize important information.

Add dynamic widgets to your documents to display real-time data such as weather and maps, or pull important information into the cover of the document.

Instant Distro
Send a document to your entire crew with one click. Enter a group of email addresses, or simply send to a group of emails already in the document.

You can even add a custom subject line and message to your email.

Accessible Everywhere
Crew members can open the document instantly with one click - no login or email required. Optimized for every device.

Track Views
Track who has viewed your documents in real time.

You can now track views for all of your review links in Assemble, including assets, galleries submissions and calendars.
Fully Collaborative
Build documents together with your team in real-time. The documents update instantly everywhere.

Ready to distro your document and don't want changes made? Just switch on Presentation Mode to turn it into a view only document.

Version Control
Sending out daily production documents like call sheets or shoot schedules? Use our version control to quickly duplicate your existing document, update the contents, and then distribute with a click. Your version history keeps a version stack of every prior day.

20+ Templates
Get started today with over 20+ new document templates for every step of production, from location scouting to dialogue lists. Access our template library of film documents here.

Move your entire document workflow into the cloud today, to create a repeatable, scalable collaboration and distribution process with Assemble. Sign up for a 14 day free trial today.